Menasjeri - a beautiful opening

The people started to fill the room and it was wonderful to see so many interested in the works on the wall. Quite frankly, I was over the moon excited and also surprised that so many had showed up. Just a couple days ago, I thought the whole thing might end in a flop. But as soon as I got to curate the exhibition in the space, the pieces fell into place and by giving them that space also made sense together and I got to feel a healthy pride in all the work of the last years. I had been worried that the brought spectrum of subjects and methods would seem to random. But in the space they started to really communicate with each other and made sense together.

As the room filled with people - way more that I could have hoped for - a dancer dressed in wide flowing blue pants suddenly entered the gallery space and took her stage. It was a beautiful and brave performance by Tonje Molnes that absolutely was a highlight for me. Her dance expressed in another way the feelings and message that I try to say through colour and charcoal on canvas and paper.

Tonje has also been the model for my dancing paintings, so it all tight together nicely.

I am so grateful for the work of Alnes Lighthouse staff and everyone responsible to giving me this chance. I want to express my thanks to all the people that have been such valuable support over the years. Through cheering for me, telling others about my work and even purchasing paintings. It’s invaluable for me to have you on my team that way!

Thank you so much to everyone that came to the opening and since and for all the lovely encouragement!

Quite a few of my smaller landscapes and paintings of Ålesund have sold, but the bigger works are still available for purchase.

The exhibition will be up until the end of November.


Portrett kurs serie i Ålesund


“Menasjeri” - New Art exhibition at Alnes Lighthouse